March’s Birthstone & The Gemstone for the 19th Anniversary

Commonly given as wedding day gifts, brides have worn Aquamarines as their “something blue” for ages.
The stone was often admired by Hebrews and Egyptians, who believed it was a symbol of eternal youth. Christians associate it with the Apostle, St. Thomas, who journeyed long distances by sea to preach.
More recently, “The Roosevelt Aquamarine,” 1,298-ct, was gifted to Eleanor Roosevelt by Brazil’s president. It is now housed at the Roosevelt’s Library in Hyde Park, New York. Princess Diana wore a 30-ct aquamarine ring that now belongs to her son, Harry. Meghan Markle has since been seen wearing the lovely cocktail ring.
Aquamarines have commonly been mined in Brazil for centuries, while today, you can find naturally occurring Aquas on almost every continent. Another popular source is Madagascar, where the more rare, rich blue colored variety can be found.
It is also important to know that, like other varieties of Beryl, Aquamarine is a 7.5-8 on the Mohs hardness scale. This means the stone is exceptionally durable and is well suited for any jewelry, including rings.

The Roosevelt Aquamarine, 1,298 carats

Princess Diana’s Aqua Ring, 30+ carats
Meaning “water of the sea,” Aquamarines have represented endless tranquility since being discovered in 300-500 B.C.
This gemstone not only makes for incredible wedding day jewelry because of its blue color but also because it symbolizes love and unity. Due to Aqua’s cool blue colorway, the stone is said to calm tempers and promote peace. Something that can be useful in every marriage! In line with being associated with the sea, Aquamarine is a cleansing stone that promotes letting go of ill-serving emotions. Just like the sea, this soothing stone invites us to open up our hearts and communicate with our innermost being. Aquamarine comes in a range of blue and green hues. The most popular and sought-after color is a deep, vibrant, almost pure blue.

5.32-ct Fancy ($3,750) | 7.06-ct Shield ($3,177)
Health benefits
Known as an all purpose healing stone Aquamarine has countless health benefits according to holistic healers and natural remedy believers. Pliny the Elder’s Natural History even gives an account of it’s healing capabilities
Some believe Aquamarine has been used to heal throat and thyroid issues. It has also been shown to aid in regulating hormones and curing illnesses associated with the stomach, liver, jaw, and mouth.
As we continue to list all of these seemingly miraculous capabilities and think there is no way, it’s important to consider that humans are 60% water.
One of the most important benefits of Aquamarine is that it is said to cure eye issues Pliny the Elder even recorded that he would soak the stone in water and then use the water to rinse the patient’s eyes.
The stone is associated with the throat chakra and can apparently help wearers with speech issues, enhance singing capabilities, and heal oral cavities.
Beyond its supposed physical healing properties, Aquamarine is also believed to improve confidence and promote motivation. It has been said that the stone has brought wearers peace in times of emotional distress.
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